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Washington DC

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ube, Taro, & Everything Purple

One of my all time favorite is the varieties of purple yams, taro, dasheen, etc. All can usually be found in an asian grocery store. These are sweet, usually purple, roots that have a nice creamy and light flavor. They range in all sizes, different starchy consistency, and finally different shades of purple. I just wanted to make a simple, not so pamcakedesign looking, bundt cake incoporating these natural flavors & vibrant colors.
A luscious cake batter indulged in the rich texture of the yam with a light creamy taro whipped-cream filling, and a sweet white chocolate ube coat. And perhaps the perfect TWIST to a thanksgiving traditional desserts - still with the warm cuddly feeling of eating some yam-inspired delightful sweetness. yummmm


  1. i love taro! (i always get taro bubble tea)
    and i like malanga (it's a type of yam). it's a root and tastes sort of like potato and it purple color!!!!


  2. Can you share your recipe for this cake please? We Love taro so I would love to try out this recipe and surprise my family. Thank you.
